World History

Full Year Course; 90 minutes

In this year-long World History class, we will be studying the period from the 1400’s Renaissance through the 20th Century. I have curated components of several curricula to make this an enjoyable learning experience. For example, there will be short story teacher read-alouds, maps and timelines to aid in understanding, engaging discussion questions from World History People & Nations by Holt, Rinehart and Winston textbook, songs to help memory, and Bible insights showing us God’s providence through people, places and events. Each week, homework will be completed and sent through the online Google Classroom instruction tool. Study skills, such as note-taking, active listening, analyzing cause and effect relationships, and representing what has been learned in graphic organizers, are incorporated throughout the class lessons.

Prerequisite(s): This course is for High School students only.


  • World History People & Nations by Holt, Rinehart and Winston copyright 2000, ISBN: 0-03-053359-7

Required Materials:

  • three-ring binder with paper
  • 2 dividers

Additional Fee:

  • $20 to cover the cost of consumable material provided by the instructor
  • $10 if book is rented from CCT

Instructor: Doreen Ashley

Revised: 16 April 2024