Half Year Course – Fall; 90 minutes

Question: Why should a college-bound homeschooler take the SAT?
Answer: SAT scores increase opportunities for merit-based scholarships, support transcript grades, and enhance college applications. Some colleges, such as CSM, use SAT scores to meet entry-level math course prerequisites.
This course will teach how to confidently and accurately complete the new Digital SAT. Help your teen boost their SAT scores through knowledge of the testing layout and familiarity with the question types while using time-saving strategies. This class also targets key Verbal and Math concepts to increase correct answers.
Grading is based on the on-time completion of assignments. The homework establishes regular practice – the best way to prepare! Grades will NOT incorporate practice test scores nor a student’s current Math and Verbal skill levels.
When should students take this course?
- To ensure readiness to tackle the SAT’s Math content, I recommend completion of both A) Algebra 1 AND B) either Algebra 2 or Geometry.
- 12th-graders: Use this course to achieve a strong or improved SAT score in the spring of the senior year. It is optimal for seniors who want to raise their junior year SAT scores or those who took Algebra 1 in the 10th grade.
- 11th-graders: This course prepares juniors following a typical or advanced math progression for the spring semester SAT testing dates.
- 10th-graders: This course begins to prepare 10th-grade students with math aptitude to compete for National Merit Scholarships in the fall of their 11th-grade year. See https://www.nationalmerit.org for the scholarship’s details.
- Thinking about the ACT? The overall testing strategies and tips for many math and verbal question types are beneficial for any standardized test.
Homework: About 20-30 minutes of homework four to five days a week.
- Required: Algebra 1 with a strong C (75%+) or higher
- Recommended: Algebra 2 or Geometry with a C or higher
- If Algebra 1 was challenging, complete another year or two of math to improve math skills before attempting SAT Prep.
Other Information:
For parents saving paper-based SAT books or programs, THROW THEM AWAY. Outdated SAT guides will teach incorrect information. Invest in Digital SAT instruction dated 2024 or later.
The Digital SAT overhauled the paper SAT by using adaptive learning technology, shortening the testing time, revising the question types, and developing a streamlined testing environment with its online interface. Provide the updated, correct info for positive results!
Text(s) and Resources: Purchase NEW or “Like new” USED books to ensure clean pages.
- TEXTBOOK: Princeton Review Digital SAT Prep, 2025, ISBN: 978-0593517529 (Beginning 7 May 2024) Book is $25 at Amazon.
- Practice Questions WORKBOOK: SAT Level Up! Verbal (Princeton Review), ISBN: 978-0593516546 ($17 at Amazon)
- Practice Questions WORKBOOK: SAT Level Up! Math, (Princeton Review), ISBN: 978-0593516539 ($17 at Amazon)
- Free Individual student accounts for:
- ThinkWave Student Account (CCT email)
- Princeton Review (Textbook QR code)
- College Board
- Khan Academy
- Install the Bluebook app (College Board) on your laptop or home computer.
- Access online Kahoots using a cellphone or laptop
- Optional: LINK your College Board account to your Khan Academy account
Required Classroom Materials:
- 1.5” binder with eight tabbed dividers, with a small amount of lined paper
- Pen for notetaking; pencil for in-class math practice
- Five highlighter pens (blue, yellow, green, pink, and orange or purple)
- One pack of small or medium sticky notes
- Recommended: Bring a laptop to class every day.
- Optional: Scientific calculator (We will discuss options the first week of class.)
Additional Fee:
- $15 for classroom activities, handouts, and practice materials
Instructor: Carolyn Graessle
Revised: 06 April 2024