
Full Year Course; 90 minutes

This class will use the Math-U-See Pre-Algebra text as its spine. The instructor will provide selections from Life of Fred to review arithmetic with humor. Since pre-algebra lies between the worlds of arithmetic and algebra, this class will seek to strengthen a student’s arithmetic skills while slowly introducing algebraic concepts such as negative numbers, solving for an unknown, and polynomials with the goal of having students fully prepared to start algebra upon completion. Math is a topic that requires constant practice, so there will be an expectation of homework five days per week.

Prerequisite(s): Students must complete and submit a Pre-Algebra Skills Assessment (click here) prior to 01 July so the tutor can tailor initial review sessions appropriately. Students do not need to “pass” this assessment to gain entry into the class.


  • Required:Math-U-See Pre-AlgebraStudent Pack which includes the Student Workbook/Text & the Test Booklet available through the publisher at or
    • Note: Parents should keep the Test Booklet in their possession, only distributing individual tests at the time indicated by the instructor. Completed tests are to be returned in a sealed, signed envelope.
  • Optional: Math-U-See Pre-Algebra Universal Set or Level-Up Set which contains manipulatives, instructional DVD, Instructional Manual, Answer Keys, and a Digital Pack.  Families may find DVD’s available for resale online if they do not desire the other items.

Required Materials:

  • Three-ring 1.5″ (or larger) binder with paper and 5 (or more) dividers
  • Pencils
  • Claculator (TI-30XS or better)

Additional Fee: $5 to offset the cost of consumables

Instructor: Erin Kluever

Revised: 06 April 2024