Full Year Course; 90 minutes

In this course, students continue their study of algebra. Topics include linear systems, matrices, quadratic equations and functions, polynomials and polynomial functions, radical functions and rational exponents, exponential and logarithmic functions, rational functions, quadratic relations, and (time permitting) an introduction to trigonometry. Problem solving skills are honed as students apply algebraic skills to real-world problems.
In addition to regular classroom instruction, students will be provided with links to various websites containing explanations, practice problems, and videos. These online options will help reinforce the in-class lesson and enable students gain a better understanding of the covered material.
A graphing calculator is required. The TI-83, TI-84 Plus, or TI-84 Plus CE are ones with which I am familiar. Either of the TI-84s are the ones generally required in college math courses. If you come with a different brand of calculator, I will not be spending class time helping you figure out how it works. You will need to do that on your own.
Prerequisite(s): Students must complete and submit an Algebra 2 Skills Assessment (click here) prior to 01 July. A review packet (click here) is provided for students to look over before taking the assessment.
Materials: Three-ring binder with paper and dividers, graphing calculator, pencils
- Prentice Hall Mathematics: Algebra 2, Bellman, Bragg, Charles, Handlin, Kennedy. Copyright: 2004; ISBN-13: 978-0130625687, DO NOT purchase a state-specific edition
- OPTIONAL: Solution Key Prentice Hall Mathematics Algebra 2 : ISBN: 0-13-0375586 available on Abe Books, (click here).
- Digital Solutions to homework will be provided by the instructor
Additional Fee: $20 to offset the cost of consumables
Instructor: Mitzi McConville
Revised: 7 June 2023